Day Twenty Four: So It's Come To This

Would someone care to explain this to me? Why, when I do a Wikipedia search for "African-Americans," does a page appear with Harriet Tubman and Beyonce placed side by side? I'm beginning to believe the Birthday Girl now when she says that Beyonce is one of the harbingers of the Apocalypse.
And since this can't be my fault, I blame all of you people who have inexplicably propped this dummy and her divisive, airheaded songs up for the last few years. Shame on you for not realizing that your mindless fandom has its consequences.
Labels: Celebrating Stupidity, Lost Causes, Tomfoolery
it's rare that i am rendered speechless. not only is she placed between douglass and tubman, but she's in the same collage as barack obama and ronald mcnair. are you shitting me?
i hate being right sometimes. really, i do.
I CANNOT STAND BEYONCE AND ALL THAT SHE REPRESENTS. And that's all i have to say about that..
Oh dayum, Conflict. This is utterly ridiculous. Harriet and HER on the same page? That shit does NOT compute.
I told my niece that Beyonce was over-rated, and she gave me a look like I had just blasphemed. This shit has gone WAAAAYYYYY too far.
Haha! In being fair, I do think the girl is immensely vocally talented and hardworking. And she always wears pretty shoes...
*Looks over shoulder to be sure none of the Creole mafia is near*
That said, I was officially over her when she crooned in her TV telethon tribute, "Haiti, I can see yo halo, halo-oo-oo." Um, what? Lol. Can't. Won't. Thanks.
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